How-to Questions

How do I recover my password?

Click on "Log in" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "Forgot your password?" link.
b. Type in your E-mail address and all other required fields.
c. Click on "Submit".
d. You will get an email of password recovery at your registered email account.
e. Click on "Reset Password".
f. Type in your new password.
g. Click on "Submit".

How do I change my password?

While logged in, click on your [Account Name] at the top of the screen:
a. In the Settings Form, type in your new password and retype it to confirm
c. Click on "Save All Changes"

How to change my Subscription Plan?

Click on your [Account Name] at the top of the screen:
a. Under Payment Information, click on the "Change Plan" link.
b. Click on "Yes" to continue to change your plan.

How do I set default Group?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Using the first drop-down menu under "Switch Group" select your desired default Group.
b. Click on "Save as Default Group" at the bottom of the page.

How do I add new Credit Card?

Click on your [Account Name] at the top of the screen:
a. Under Payment Information, click on the "Billing Summary" link.
b. Click on "Add New Credit Card" link.
c. Enter Credit Card Information and Billing Address details.
d. Click on "Submit and Continue" to save the new credit card details.

Owner Functionality

How do I create my Group?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Under Current Group, click on the "Create a New Group" link.
b. Fill the required details.
c. Click on "Create New Group".

How do I send invitation to New Member?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Select your Group by using the first drop-down menu titled "Switch Group".
b. Click on "Membership" tab above "Switch Group".
c. Send invitations to new members by entering their email address.
d. Click on "Send Invitations".

How do I send file to New Members?

Click on "Send" at the top of the screen:
a. Select your Group.
b. Click on "Send to other recipients?" link.
c. Enter email address of new member.
d. Complete your message and/or upload your file.
e. Click on "Send This Message".

How do I see the Group Activities?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Select your Group by using "Switch Group".
b. Click on "Audit Trail" to see the Group activities.

How do I set Group Logo?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "Customization"
b. Select logo image from your desktop. For best results use a logo that is 450px by 60px.
c. Select "Group Logo" by using "Switch Logo".

How do I delete Group Member?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "Membership".
b. In "Current Membership" hover mouse on email id of a member and click on "Delete".
c. Confirm by click on "Delete".

How do I create new Document Package?

Click on "Inbox" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "Document Packages".
b. Click on "Create New Document Packages".
c. Enter Package details.
d. Select files from your desktop or filing catalog.
e. Click on "Submit".

How do I add files to File Catalog?

Click on "Inbox" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "File Catalog".
b. Click on "Add More Files to File Catalog".
c. Select files from your desktop
d. Click on "Save".

How do I export the Audit Trail?

Click on "Groups" at the top of the screen:
a. Click on "Audit Trail".
b. Click on "Export All Rows to Excel" link at the bottom of the screen.

How do I join Group?

Click on Account Name at the top of the screen:
a. Search the Group name, which you want to join in "Join Another Group".
b. Click on "Submit".